that's our james

Disclaimer: This is my blog. No one else's. This is what I think about stuff. If others think the same thing, it's up to them to express it. The sole purpose of my writings is to keep my friends and family informed. My opinions are just that, opinions so don't get to worked up if something offends you. Thanks.

19 September 2006

They say it's your birthday...

Do you have the sneaking suspcion that a very important date or event is forth coming?

Are you having trouble figuring out what exactly this date/event is?

Alas, let me put your troubled mind at ease.


You have just shy of two weeks to get those wonderful cards in the mail. And you're right, that will work out perfectly because it takes between a week or two to get snail mail. Don't procrastinate too long or you'll have to make it a belater card. Not that I would have a problem with that.
Remember I am HUGE fan of my birthday. I've been so distracted that it almost snuck up on me. Sadly I don't have any bday plans, other than decorating my room with all my newly received birthday cards/postcards/stationary/plain pieces of paper (preferably with something at least written on it).

All right, gotta go. I've got work to do. Don't laugh! It's true. I'll tell you more later.


At 7:52 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I can't not laugh - I was laughing already!!!

At 3:18 PM, Blogger james said...

What do you mean you were laughing already. My birthday is serious business.


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