that's our james

Disclaimer: This is my blog. No one else's. This is what I think about stuff. If others think the same thing, it's up to them to express it. The sole purpose of my writings is to keep my friends and family informed. My opinions are just that, opinions so don't get to worked up if something offends you. Thanks.

08 September 2006

Great Expectations…

Oh what was I thinking? I found out that I would have a chance to go to Tirana with a colleague for a meeting. I jumped at the chance because while we were there, I would be able to use the wi-fi at one of the cafés. I quickly ran home before we left so I could take my laptop and upload lots of new photos. And we were off.

After fighting through the miserable traffic of Tirana and the meeting, I made it to the café. I stayed while my colleague went to a nearby computer store. I got all cozy in the back of the café, sitting comfortably in the air conditioning watching music videos on the flat screen. Have I mentioned that Tirana is not like the rest of Albania? I mean come on. A/C, wi-fi, Chinese food, a French bakery, lots of foreigners, well you get the point. Go figure, PC will not place any volunteers in Tirana.

Where was I? Oh yeah.
Ok, comfy seat suitable for a solid hour or so of internet time? Check.
Pleasant environment to provide distractions while high-speed internet is too slow uploading my pictures? Check.
Power outlet nearby just in case I need more power? Check.
Overpriced drink ordered (I know the rules, internet may be free but you gotta pay to stay)? Check.
Connection to internet? NOTHING.
Reconnect to internet? Nothing.
Poke around internet settings as if I actually knew what I was doing? Nothing.
Sit there frustrated savoring the thick second hand smoke. CHECK.


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