Beni, Marisa, Tiger, Ryan, Sara, and Jamie
Below: Ryan and his new best friend

I absolutely love my kiddy pool. I’m not sure if I mentioned before but while in America (said A-mare-i-kuh, somewhat in W style) I bought a large kiddy pool. Probably second only to the copious amounts of peanut butter I brought back with me, the 13 lb. pool was my best buy. When I moved to my house last November and saw the rooftop terrace and a water source, I knew what had to be done. The pool is roughly 10’ x 6’ and 30” high. Plenty big enough for lil ol’ me to relax in. Turns out it’s even big enough for a few friends too.
This past weekend I had my first mini-pool party. Marisa and Beni, Ryan, Jamie, and Sara, who came for the afternoon to relax after Ryan wrapped up a successful week-long leadership workshop, and one inflatable tiger toy all lounged in my wonderful pool. We had a great time just chilling and listening to music.
My terrace has great hosting potential. In fact I am thinking of turning my place in to a boutique hotel. I wouldn’t have any competition in Berat. I know what demanding tourists want. I have lots of room and I live in a quiet part of town. My rates would be affordable and guests would get to hang out with me. Maybe that’s what I’ll do post Peace Corps.
Random bit of news, I found my flash drive. No not the nice one that was stolen in Belgrade but rather the one I lost in October. I thought I had lost it at a language training in my hotel room. Nope. Not so much. Today I decided to wear a pair of black pants that I don’t wear too often. I feel something in the pocket. I reach my hand in assuming it is a pack of gum. Nope. Not so much. It was my flash drive. Nice. I guess I hadn’t worn nor washed these pants since the end of October. Kinda sad but at least I found my flash drive.